the financial crisis, the housing price rallied to another peak in history. Why
does the housing price bubble still exist recently? There are several hot
reasons that were discussed among the society. I categorize them into three
industry for the whole economy:
As China is a developing country, many
industries are not mature. Therefore, real property industry has become one of
the most important supporting industries, which fuel the economic growth since
2003. It has been driving the whole economy development during the last decade.
If this industry failed, Chinese economy may fall into great depression. Consequently,
the government actually tends to protect the property industry from failing
deliberately. This may be a very important reason for supporting the high
housing price.

§ The
Chinese government has monopoly power of pricing the land
§ Local
government increased the land price in order to hit the GDP target. In other
words, land sales income takes the dominant position of local government
Under such a high land price, the cost of
real estate firms, therefore, increased dramatically and this does underlie a
high housing price.
l Cost
of the construction materials increased
The expense of these construction materials
increased because of two reasons. One is the severe inflation. When there is
inflation, the price of goods goes up. The other is the massive increase in demand of these materials. Since 2008, Chinese government invested 4 trillion Yuan
into fundamental construction. This decision increased the demand of
construction materials like steel, cement, and concrete sharply, which are
also necessary materials for building houses. High price of these fundamental
building materials definitely increased the cost of real estate companies and
thereby leading to a high house price.
l Corruption

l Urbanization

This rigid demand helps a lot in maintaining or even propelling the high housing price.
l Cultural
In China, there
is a very weird but common thought among Chinese residents. That is if one does
not own a house when he/she is about to marry, he/she will feel very mentally
unstable. This cultural pressure imposes a strong mental pressure to people and
let them feel that they must purchase a house in order to marry. This pressure
pulls up the demand of house and thereby boosting the housing price indirectly.
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